
Speaking Events

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If you can't do that, you can still catch most of the action through the links on this page.

Across Climate and Culture: Finding Home in the Pacific Northwest

Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association: TRANSITIONS
November 18, 2023 | Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto

Amid massive social and ecological transition, place relationship can be a stabilizing force, helping us find home, together.

The Stories We Tell: Rootedness and Resilience in the Face of Change

Annual Meeting of the American Folklore Society: ROOTS, ROOTLESSNESS, AND UPROOTING
November 2, 2023 | The Hilton Portland Downtown, Portland

The stories we tell about our time, our homes, and each other are living processes, able to equip us for the world that's emerging. As well as presenting a paper, I also chaired the session, "Space, Tradition, and Narrative."

What Story Are You Living? Using Brand Strategy to Change Your Life

July 2, 2023 | Whiteside Theatre, Corvallis

A brand is much more than a logo. Whether you're a person or a business, your brand is the story you're living, and branding is the process of finding, revising, and telling that story to those you want to reach. In this talk, I draw on the process of branding (speaking as a consultant-turned-folklorist) to discover, change, and live my own story.

Unconventional Paths

Oregon Folklife Network Open House
May 12, 2023 | Museum of Natural and Cultural History, Eugene

As OFN's May special guest, I gave an informal talk about my work in folkloristics, followed by freeform discussion and networking. I covered how I got into folklore and why, what I hope to do moving forward, and what my research interests are. This event is a way for graduate students to make connections and for OFN to build community within the field.

Rigor and Remembrance: Two Ways of Being in Time

Annual Meeting of the Western States Folklore Society
April 14, 2023 | University of Las Vegas, Nevada

A reading on how academic guild history and oral folk tradition offer, and necessitate, different ways of being in time.

Deepening Place Relationship: A Request for Feedback

Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS) Research Colloquium
April 4, 2023 | Many Nations Longhouse, University of Oregon, Eugene

A presentation of my masters thesis research, followed by open discussion on how this work could be strengthened or expanded in the future.

Deepening: Place Relationship in the Valley of Lake Creek, Oregon

Masters Thesis Defense
November 30, 2022 | Oregon State University, Corvallis

This talk is from the public portion of my masters thesis defense. The thesis is an ethnography of place, involving mythology, archaeology, history and ethnographic interviews.